Roots of Fight Shaolin Kung Fu Duffle Bag
Condition: Used once, basically brand new
Comes with carry strap
No dirt, stains, rips or holes.
Shaolin Kung Fu has always been a symbol of Chinese martial arts, a Taoist philosophy of the East that goes back to the ancient Shaolin Temple in Song Mountains, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China. It was there, nestled deeply into the shrouded forests of the Shaoshi, that the monks developed what would become the cradle of all martial arts some 1,500 years ago. In pop culture Shaolin Kung Fu carries not only the deep reverence of early, civilized cool, but of a fun vibrancy with bursting color. The symbols themselves convey the ancient mysteries. The yin and yang. The tiger and the dragon. The crane, the leopard and the snake, tracing back to the earliest origins of martial arts. The meanings themselves extend to the very beginnings of Zen Buddhism and carry the potency of the art itself into the modern day. Shaolin Kung Fu is many things.
Roots of Fight Shaolin Kung Fu bag
Roots of Fight Shaolin Kung Fu bag
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Roots of Fight Shaolin Kung Fu bag